Your child’s play, learning, communication, behaviour, and movement provide important insights into their developmental progress. Developmental milestones represent skills that most children achieve by specific ages.
For a detailed look at child development, covering observable behaviors from 3 months to 5 years, visit this link.
Some examples of developmental skills include:
Physical Development
- Using hands and fingers to handle food and objects (e.g., holding a cup without spilling).
- Walking or moving confidently and with ease.
- Developing hand-eye coordination for tasks like stacking blocks or threading beads.
- Balancing and jumping with control and agility.
- Improving gross motor skills such as running, climbing, and skipping.
Language and Communication (Including Cree Language)
- Repeating words and speaking clearly in sentences of up to 5 words.
- Responding positively to everyday interactions, such as sounds, light, and touch.
- Understanding and using simple questions like “What’s that?” or “Where is it?”
- Beginning to recognize and name familiar objects and people in both English and Cree.
- Engaging in simple conversations with increasing clarity and vocabulary, incorporating Cree words and phrases.
- Learning basic Cree greetings and terms for family, animals, and everyday items
Cognitive Skills
- Following simple verbal instructions.
- Solving problems like fitting shapes into the correct slots or completing a basic puzzle.
- Beginning to understand the concept of time (e.g., “later,” “tomorrow”).
- Exploring cause-and-effect relationships by experimenting with actions and their consequences.
- Demonstrating memory recall for short stories, routines, and daily events, with exposure to Cree stories and traditional teachings.
Sharing any specific needs your child may have before they enter school can assist with planning and providing appropriate support services.
For information on learning at home, including activities and tips, visit PBS Parents.
For tips on how to talk to your child about COVID-19, visit Child Mind Institute
To explore resources related to mindfulness for young children, check out Mindful, which offers guidance on mindfulness practices.